Urge Reps to Reject SB 258
Gerrymandered SB 258 GOP congressional map
Yesterday, the Ohio Senate passed Senate Bill 258, the gerrymandered GOP congressional map. This map slices and dices communities in order to achieve a rigged outcome favoring the majority party. Of Ohio’s 15 proposed congressional districts, only two favor Democrats. The “packing” and “cracking” in Ohio’s most populous counties dilutes minority representation. While the GOP caucus claims the map has more competitive districts, the truth is that most of the supposedly toss up districts actually safely favor the majority party.
SB 258 could be up for a vote in the Ohio House as soon as Thursday, 11/18. Tell your state Representative that Ohio voters deserve better! In 2018, Ohio voters overwhelmingly approved congressional redistricting rules that focused on keeping political subdivisions and communities together, required transparent mapmaking, and included a prohibition on gerrymandering. This map violates both the spirit and the letter of these new rules embedded in the Ohio Constitution.
Click here to tell your representative to vote no on SB 258!
Since the map passed along party lines in the Senate (24-7) it's most likely we're looking at a 4 year map (10 year maps require some bipartisan votes). And of course the map will go to court. But there's no denying that this grotesquely rigged map is a slap in the face to all Ohioans and an enormous disapointment.
This is of course part of a national pattern. Republicans are rigging maps left and right. The only hope we have is to pass the FREEDOM TO VOTE ACT that includes provisions to counter gerrymandering. That's why we're urging you to join the DAILY Common Cause phonebank, where volunteers call voters in targeted states and connect them to their Senators ask them to support the Freedom to Vote Act and eliminate the filibuster.
Freedom to Vote Phonebank!
Multiple shifts daily! Click on the link for details.